Course Material
Patients who undergo primary surgical resection for a head and neck squamous cell carcinoma may require post-operative radiotherapy, with or without concurrent chemotherapy. When used appropriately, this improves loco-regional control and oncological outcomes. The decision for post-operative radiotherapy is largely based on presence of pathological risk factors for recurrence.
This segment will offer some guide on the delineation of post-operative primary and nodal clinical target volumes, based on inputs from a head and neck surgeon, radiologist and radiation oncologist.
This program is designed to meet the interest of radiation oncologists and radiation oncology residents.
Each of the workshop sessions will last for two hours. The session will cover the following areas:
(Pre-course) Access to platform and hands-on contouring by participants
Short talks each by sub-site surgeon, radiation oncologist and radiologist
Presentation of the case and delineation guidelines used
Breakout session to review participants’ contours in comparison to the reference contours
Summary of key points by expert panel
Discussion between participants and experts
Learning Objectives
Identify the clinical and anatomical rationale for the selection of clinical target volumes.
Learn about imaging modalities useful in showing tumour and secondary changes in the pre-operative scans.
To understand the rationale of surgical approaches, implants/reconstructive approaches in oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma.
Learn about the post-operative imaging modalities used to identify residual tumour and/or post-operative changes.
To be aware of the common pitfalls in delineation.
Learn about the considerations and indications for radiotherapy to the primary surgical bed and post-operative neck.
Dr Julian Goh
Senior Consultant Head & Neck Radiologist
Department of Diagnostic Radiology
Tan Tock Seng Hospital
Dr Goh graduated from the National University of Singapore in 1991, and obtained his Radiology degree from the Royal College of Radiologists (UK) in 1999. He joined the Department of Radiology, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore, in 1999, and was trained in Head and Neck Imaging by Dr Tan Tiong Yong.
He did a fellowship at The University of Iowa in Head and Neck Imaging under the supervision of Professor Wendy Smoker. Dr Goh also had a short attachment in 2012 at the University of Leuven, Belgium, under Dr Vincent Vandecaveye.
Dr Goh currently works as a Head and Neck radiologist at Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore. His main interests are in nasopharyngeal, laryngeal and hypopharyngeal cancer, and in imaging of the temporal bone.
Dr Lim Ming Yann
Deputy head and Senior Consultant
ENT Surgeon
Otolaryngology Department
Tan Tock Seng Hospital
Dr Lim Ming Yann is a senior consultant in the department of Otolaryngology. He is a subspecialist in head and neck oncology, and did his fellowship in Advanced Head and Neck Surgical Oncology Surgery at MD Anderson Cancer Centre, Texas, USA from 2014-2015.
Besides clinical care, Dr Lim is actively involved in research and has published widely in several peer reviewed journals. He is also currently International Editor of the Journal of Otolarynoglogy Head and Neck Surgery (OTOHNS), the official peer reviewed journal of the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS).
Dr Lim believes in the education and training of the next generation of doctors. He is currently a member of the Core Faculty for the NHG Otolaryngology residency, and is actively involved in the surgical training of Otolaryngology residents in the National Healthcare Group (NHG). He is also Senior Clinical lecturer for National University of Singapore medical school and Core Tutor for the Lee Kong Chian/ NTU medical school.
Dr Robert Malyapa
Director and Head & Neck Radiation Oncologist
Proton Therapy Pte Ltd Singapore
An American Board certified Radiation Oncologist, Dr Malyapa graduated from the prestigious JIPMER Institute, University of Madras & obtained postgraduate training from the AIIMS, New Delhi, Dr Malyapa. He then completed a Radiation Oncology Residency at the Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology, Washington University Medical Centre, St Louis, Missouri. He had subsequently obtained multiple Proton Therapy fellowships in Europe & the US including centre for Proton Therapy, Orsay, France, the Francis Burr Proton Centre, Boston, USA & the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), Zurich, Switzerland. His clinical interests are tumours of skull base, eye and orbit, CNS, Head & Neck, and spine, with over 20 years of experience.
Dr Timothy Cheo
Consultant Radiation Oncologist
National University Cancer Institute Singapore (NCIS)
Dr Yuan Taize
Chief physician and Deputy Medical director of radiation Oncology
Guangzhou Concord Cancer Center
Dr Francis Ho
Senior Consultant Radiation Oncologist
National University Cancer Institute Singapore
Dr Jonathan Teh
Senior Radiation Oncologist
Asian Alliance Radiation & Oncology
Dr Ivy Ng
Associate Consultant Radiation Oncologist
National University Cancer Institute Singapore
Dr Tan Teng Hwee
Associate Consultant Radiation Oncologist
National University Cancer Institute Singapore
Dr Ivan Tham
Senior Consultant Radiation Oncologist
Parkway Cancer Centre Singapore
Dr Soong Yoke Lim
Senior Consultant Radiation Oncologist
National Cancer Centre Singapore
Dr Kiattisa Sommat
Consultant Radiation Oncologist
National Cancer Centre Singapore
Dr Sharon Poh
Associate Consultant Radiation Oncologist
National Cancer Centre Singapore
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